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Is Technology Helping Or Hindering Religion?

I came across the above advice recently and while it's done in jest it got me thinking, from a religious standpoint, about the pros and cons of technology and whether or not it's helping or hindering religion.

It’s no secret that technology has made it possible for the gospel to reach people in ways never imagined before thereby, on one hand, making technological advances pretty essential for religion as a whole.

On the other hand when we see things like the saying above, we are seeing technology doing to religion the exact opposite of growth, and someone who’s recommending people who are lonely or feeling forgotten to turn to Facebook instead of God, is a perfect example of this.

So do the pros of technology in religion outweigh the cons?

The long arm of technology

As Christians it’s our responsibility to spread God’s message and word, plus how through Christ we’re able to live this earthly life living with and in God’s divine grace rather than law.

Of course this doesn’t give us free reign to sin. It does however mean that when we do slip, we’re not only forgiven, but as far as God is concerned he doesn’t even count sin against us!

Why? Because when Jesus died on the Cross at Calvary His death was atonement for all mankind’s sin, forever and ever, and through His blood that was shed that day we are washed clean of sin. Therefore our souls are as pure as the whitest snow in God’s eyes.

For many all of this is a tough pill to swallow.

The internet, computers, phones, tablets etc. all lend themselves well to helping give access to and spreading Gods word and message, and all within seconds.

This in-and-of itself is extremely powerful, but there’s so much more technology has to offer, including: 

  • Access to more religious content than ever
  • No boundaries
  • Allows anyone to share their thoughts, views, etc. while commenting on others
  • Access to more support groups than ever
  • Access to more forums for asking/answering questions and for discussions
  • Social media 
  • 24/7 access
  • Freedom
  • Flexibility
  • Access through multiple devices
  • None to little cost
  • And more

Looking at it from this perspective makes technology seem mighty appealing as a way to help us do our part as Christians in spreading the Word.

Ah, but with the pros always come the cons and this case is no exception…

It’s not the power that counts but rather how it’s used

Most things in life that have power come with some inherent risks of danger and harm, that’s what power is.

Take a fast car that has lots of power for example. When the power of the car is used with respect and with safety in mind the power the car produces can be a source of enjoyment.

But when it’s not and the power is used recklessly the result can end in harm, accidental or not.

When people misuse power bad things can and do happen. We’ve seen it time and time again throughout history, not just religious history but history in general.

All the good things I mentioned above about technology helping religion are also some of the very things that can have a negative impact on it.

Why, because with technology come’s power and the power’s not reserved for those with wealth only, it’s available to us all thereby giving us all the same power…

The power that allows our words, and even our actions, to be seen and heard by the masses.

Use With Caution


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