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Perverting The Gospel Of Christ: It Happened Then And It Happens Now

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Beware of those preaching that the world is still under God's law and not His loving grace.

Good day friends!

As I was reading my bible this morning I was drawn to Galatians.

For those who don’t know, Galatians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the churches of Galatia.

You see, the people of Galatia, who were Gentiles, were in a state-of-confusion because there were some people going about spreading the message of the Old Testament, which is the message of law and that in order to receive God’s favor one must abide by the Jewish laws, rather than preaching the message of grace.

How do we know this?

Because in Galatians 1:7-9 Paul tells the churches this; “Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ.  But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached let him be eternally condemned! As we have already said, so I now say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!”

In other words, he’s telling them all not to forget that they already accepted Christ and thereby live under grace and not by Jewish law.

We can clearly see just how upsetting this is to Paul in his words. He’s not too happy at all! He sees the Galatians slipping away from God because of their thoughts and actions rather than drawing nearer to him and His grace and love as a result Christ’s sacrifices.

They we getting it wrong and all because of some who were still going on about law and not preaching about Christ, love, and grace.

Remember folks, Paul was a Jew who in his own words admits to persecuting the church of God and tried to destroy it!

But God revealed Christ to him so that he could go out among the Gentiles and preach the message that Christ is the redeemer and that through Him we are able to receive God’s grace because our sins were cleansed as a result of Christ’s bloodshed and death on the cross.

And boy did he ever go out and preach the good word and he paid some pretty heavy prices as a result!

But, he never wavered from His message of grace, even while he was being prosecuted and faced death…and he faced death many times.

Well here we are in the year 2104 and there are still those who are being taught that the only way to receive merit from God and to go to heaven is to abide by the laws of the Old Testament and also by our deeds, works, thoughts, and actions.

If this is happening to you then remember what Paul told the Galatians and remember what and who you accepted when you accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

Perhaps someone you know or someone you associate with believes in the law rather than grace. Folks don’t turn away, it’s God’s will for all his children to spread the word about Christ and that through Him we rest under a secure blanket of God's loving mercy, forgiveness and most of all His wonderful grace.

In other words through Christ we’ve been set-free!

This is the message we all need to be spreading and never one that speaks of salvation through God's old covenants and laws.

God Bless All!


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